Marriage Preparation
While most couples and their families spend countless dollars and hours planning their weddings, how much usually gets invested in preparing for the marriage itself? Marriage is one of the biggest decisions in life, and we’re here to help you get ready. Take the time to:
Develop an understanding of differences in personalities
Explore powerful means of enhancing communication and emotional intimacy
Recognize and develop strategies for dealing with issues that could hamper enjoyment of life together

Young Christian's Moment
It is our goal to help children know and experience God through the loving message of Jesus and the stories from the Bible. Providing a safe and nurturing environment for all our children from infancy through 5th Grade is of utmost importance. As our children grow in their understanding of God’s ever-present love, they will learn to live responsibly with others, to show respect for all life, and know that they are children of God.

Music Ministry
Our choir is the primary service choir for Tawas Methodist Church. This dynamic group of volunteer singers rehearses from 7:00 to 8:30 pm on Wednesday evenings in the main gathering area. With music ranging from the renaissance period to some of the 21st century’s best and most innovative composers, The choir is always in pursuit of excellence and creativity in worship. TMC has a little something for everyone. Open to all, no audition required.
Tawas Methodist Church also has a handbell choir. It is a group of loving people that has a lot of fun making beautiful music. The bell choir is open to anybody fourteen years old and older (ability to read music preferred).
Women's Ministry
Tawas Methodist Women (TMW) is a community of women who know God, develop creative and supportive fellowship, and expand concepts of mission. As the largest denominational faith organization for women, TMW has a long history of living this legacy. TMW is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

Volunteer and Serve
As Christians we are called to share God’s love with others. By giving of our time, our talents, and our gifts, we show by example what it means to “go out and be God’s people in the world,” and in so doing, we enrich the lives of those we serve — even as our own lives are enriched by the experience of connecting with God and one another through our gifts and our service. The many ministries of Tawas Methodist Church offer a wide array of opportunities to become part of this exciting, dynamic and impactful community of service. Take a look at the opportunities to serve listed and give prayerful consideration to finding where you fit in.

Grace Groups
In these thoughtfully formed small group connections, you’ll find new ways to become more aware of God’s grace in your everyday life. Grace Groups give you an opportunity to form the deep, lifelong connections and friendships at our church. Grace Groups are formed twice each year through opt-in signups based on your location, schedule availability, and life-stage.