mid - week update
Mid-Week Update
September 11, 2024
Mid-Week Update! Hello My Friends! I hope that you are enjoying the late summer warm weather! However, the nights are growing cooler, the days are becoming shorter, and the reality of our changing season will be soon upon us. This is a beautiful time to live in Northern Michigan.
Paul provides this thought for us in Hebrews 13: 15-16, “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” (NIV) Our God has provided us with so many gifts and blessings that our first response each and every day should be one of praise. How can we praise our Lord and Savior? First, we can worship, study God’s Word, pray, and devote time to considering our walk with the Lord. In our daily travels when we see or experience a “God Moment”, lift up praise and thanksgiving for the opportunity of witnessing God’s presence. And as the scripture indicates, “do good and share with others.” When we do good or share with others, we should then share the reason for our concern for the welfare of people around us. When we do the deed, share the name of Jesus. The love of Christ provides the motivation of our service. When we acknowledge Jesus, He receives the glory and the person may then consider their relationship with God. God reveals God’s self all around us and we have many opportunities to touch the lives of others; therefore, let us open our eyes, witness His presence, serve in love for our neighbor, and lift Him up with the praise that He deserves.
May God Bless You!
Pastor Dan
Call to Worship: Leader: Laura Loeffler
WL: God invites us to wake from our slumbers.
P: There is much to be done for God today.
WL: God encourages us to proclaim God’s goodness and love.
P: There are so many people who are lost and hurt, who need the
“Good News” of God.
WL: God inspires us to be bold in our proclamation, unafraid, and confident.
P: Lord God, be with us as we step boldly out to share your “Good
News”. AMEN.
Scripture Lesson: Daniel 12: 3
“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and
those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.”
Greeters this Week: Sam & Deb Dutton
Coffee Server this Week: Margot Tetley
Ushers this Week: Randy & Eileen Brewer
Annual Church Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 13th following our 11 AM worship service. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
Iosco Christian Women will meet on Tuesday, September 17th at the Hale Assembly of God Church. Alicia Sawielski will speak on the topic of, “Who’s at your Table? Unity without compromise. Doors will open at 6:30 and the program will be 7:00-8:30 PM.
The Tawas Methodist Women are holding a “Diaper Drive”. Diapers size 4 and up, Large Size and Pull UPS are needed. A red wagon in the Gathering Space is now available for your donation!
Tawas Methodist Women’s Fall Bazaar, October 19th, Yah! Our Bake Sale will need some special goodies and Grandma’s Attic needs some new or bearly used treasures. More details to come. I hear there may be a food truck at the event!
Please Note! There was a baseball cap found in the playground area last week. If you lost this hat, please come to the office to collect it.
The Trustees have recently produced a maintenance project list for our church building. Projects include, partial siding replacement and parking lot sealing. Investment now will help to prevent greater future expenditures. A fundraising drive is currently being organized. Please watch for further information!
Thursday, Sept.12
1-4 pm Flourish Homeschool Co-Op
Saturday, Sept.14
8:30am MMPG
4pm Casual Service
Sunday, Sept.15
9am Adult and Youth Sunday School
10am Sunday Service
Monday Sept.16
11am Ladies Bible Study
Tuesday, Sept.17
5pm Friends Together Support Group
5pm Prayer Ministry
Wednesday, Sept.18
5:45 Choir Practice
7pm Book Study
Birthdays or Anniversaries
If you do not see your Birthday or Anniversary date
listed here, it may not have been placed in our Church
Data Base. We strive to honor your special days,
so just give the office a call with your information.
Thank you so much! 989-362-4288
No Anniversaries
Birthdays (9/12-9/18)
9/13 Jeffrey Schlagel
9/14 Barb Ritsema
9/17 Coleen Keith
Please Pray for:
911- Never Forget the Families
Elite Shellenbarger
Nancy Shellenbarger
Isaac Malewska
Sandee Simmons
Pam Lynch & Gary Lynch
Peg Hoerner
Ashley Boudreau
Loti Frederick
Jane Burdett
Doris Tousley
Pastor Joe Robertson
Financial from Sunday, September 1st
General Fund………… $2,407
Debt Retirement……..… $415
Loose Plate………..…… $322
Tawas Methodist Church
20 E. M 55
Tawas City, MI 48763
office.tawasmc@gmail.com (NEW EMAIL ADDRESS)