4:00 P.M.
10:00 A.M.
Sundays 10:00 a.m
Install the “TuneIn Radio” app on your iOS or Android phones and tablets. Come back to website and click the link below.
Then click "LISTEN LIVE", you will then see a play symbol on the lower right corner of your screen. Click that an your all set.
Sunday 10:00 a.m
Listen to the radio broadcast at
WIOS AM 1480
through WKJC.
Missed a service? Want to see the service again? You can now watch all our services on YouTube. Just click on the YouTube logo. Have a blessed day!
Note from pastor DAN
Welcome to the Tawas Methodist Church
Hi Friends,
Thank you for visiting the Tawas Methodist Church website! We are located at 20 E M-55 in Tawas City, Michigan. We hope that you will visit our family of faith soon. Here you will receive a warm welcome, hospitality, and a Christian fellowship that will make you feel included and appreciated.
The Tawas Methodist Church is a non-denominational church, which follows the Methodist/Wesley traditions. Our church’s teaching and worship are scripture based and Christ centered. The sermon messages are designed for people to hear God’s Word and then hearing the lessons, can be applied in everyday life.
Our church features multiple educational and small group opportunities for people of all ages. It is the purpose of this church to share the love of Christ and help each other to grow spiritually. For the young people we offer Sunday school, an annual Bible school, children’s church, and youth ministries. For the adults we offer two prayer groups and three Bible based learning opportunities. The Tawas Methodist Church offers two types of worship. On Saturday afternoon, casual (contemporary) worship is available and a traditional service worship on Sunday morning. Times of fellowship and mission service share in the overall church program.
Christianity is a faith-based religion and everyone can begin a relationship with Jesus Christ at any point in their life. Everyone, no matter what they have experienced in life, can receive the salvation and the love of God. John 10:10 shares this thought, “I (Jesus) came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (NRSV) God intends for all of humanity to know a life lived with abundance. How can we know a life filled with the abundance of Christ? It begins with placing our faith in Jesus Christ and knowing in our heart that He died on the cross for our sins. God intends that our lives are filled with His grace, forgiveness, and that we experience the joy, hope, and promise that comes from a relationship with Jesus. It is the hope of the Tawas Methodist Church that you know in your heart this type of relationship with God.
If you are a person seeking to know the one true God or a person of faith looking for vibrant church, please join us and let us join together in our faith journey.
May God Bless You!
Pastor Dan Gonder
Tawas Methodist Church
You can reach out to us at office.tawasmc@gmail.com
Welcome to Tawas Methodist Church! We are a spirit filled church dedicated to connecting people to God through Jesus Christ. We offer worship on Saturday's at 4 PM and Sunday's at 10 AM. We are conveniently located on the corner of M-55 and N. 5th Ave. in Tawas City just 1/2 mile west of U.S. 23. To find out what else is happening at our church see our
CALENDAR , visit our FACEBOOK page, subscribe to our BEACON NEWSLETTER or see our ANNOUNCEMENTS page.

Our church offers two different worship services every Saturday evening and Sunday morning. If you enjoy a casual worship experience with Christian pop music please join us Saturday evening from 4-5 p.m. (Praise Music Song List). If you prefer a more traditional worship experience with lots of hymns then come to our Sunday morning service from 10-11 a.m. For those who cannot attend a worship service in person, feel free to join us during our YouTube Live broadcasts (Sat & Sun) or during our radio live broadcast on WIOS AM 1480 via the TuneIn app on your mobile device.